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Science Fiction Book Club

Wed, 5. November,19:15 - 21:15

The English Language LGBT Book Club has launched an LGBT Sci-Fi book club group, that will meet once a month.

The LGBT Sci-Fi & Fantasy group of the EnglishLanguage LGBT Book Club Zurich, will discuss this book today:

more information will follow

**The event will only begin at 19h15 due to theroom being used before-hand. Please respect the previous users, and arrive asclose to 19h15 as possible.**

** Reminder: The Sci-Fi & Fantasy booksgroup meets monthly, and has an initial limit of 12 person (due to venue sizeat the Regenbogenhaus).

** As space is limited, itis best to register on the meetup app, where we will also have a waiting listin case more people sign up than we have space for:


The Sci-Fi Fantasy group also has a separateWhatsapp Group chat, and Excel sheet for suggesting and voting on books toread.

Suggest books and vote here.

As space is limited, it is best toregister on the meetup app, where we will also have a waiting list in case morepeople sign up than we have space for. Register here.

Die Bibliothek ist ein Angebot der HAZ – Queer Zürich im Regenbogenhaus.


Wed, 5. November
19:15 - 21:15

