Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]

Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]

Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]

Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]

Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]

Queermix: English Language Queer Discussion Group (Color)

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz, House of Books

Queermix is a loosely moderated English discussion group every first Wednesday of the month. The topics get recommended and chosen by the group. The event is held at the Zurich LGBTQ+ community center the Regenbogenhaus (Rainbow House). The group is open to all and any queer individuals, allies or simply anyone who's interested.No registration necessary, […]


Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz (Color - Books)

Die Gesprächsgruppe für trans Menschen aller Art ist ein geschützter Raum, um über Probleme, Ängste und Sorgen reden zu können.  Ein Angebot von HAZ und TGNS.Was ist trans?Von trans spricht man, wenn das innere Wissen einer Person, welches Geschlecht sie hat (Geschlechtsidentität), nicht mit dem bei der Geburt zugewiesenen Geschlecht übereinstimmt.Neue Leute sind herzlich willkommen.Kontakttrans-gruppe […]

Regenbogenhaus & Bibliothek geöffnet

Regenbogenhaus Zürich, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz

Offener Treffpunkt für alle Queers und Friends. Zum Sein, Arbeiten, sich ausruhen, gemeinsam spielen, Gespräche führen, Fragen stellen und mehr. Wir freuen uns auf dich! Auch die Bibliothek der HAZ – Queer Zürich  ist zugänglich und es kann ausgeliehen werden. 

Regenbogenhaus & Bibliothek geöffnet (Books bis Color)

Offener Treffpunkt für alle Queers und Friends. Zum Sein, Arbeiten, sich ausruhen, gemeinsam spielen, Gespräche führen, Fragen stellen und mehr. Wir freuen uns auf dich! Auch die Bibliothek der HAZ – Queer Zürich  ist zugänglich und es kann ausgeliehen werden

Nonogamy Talks (English only)

Regenbogenhaus, Haus of Books, House of Fluid

We: miri (any), Greg (he/him/any) and Sam (he/him) are happy to welcome you a lively exchange about non-monogamous, open and polyamorous relationships. People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome and it's not necessary to already have actual experience with the topic.This is an offer of HAZ – Queer Zürich .Kontakt: [email protected]